Experiencing Leadershift by Don Cousins

What if I told you that you are believing heresies right now? Maybe not doctrinal heresy, but leadership heresy! Too many church leaders have accepted wrong teaching about leadership that make them function a lot more like corporate America than a Biblical church. So what are you believing about leadership that is wrong and how do you make the shift back to a correct view? Experiencing LeaderShift by Don Cousins identifies common misconceptions in the church about leadership and shows how they are poisoning the minds of pastors and stunting church growth. Identifying the false beliefs will be the first step in getting back to a Biblical foundation.


Team Workshop

In this workshop we are going to walk you through 4 steps to help your church members make this transition from believing the leadership myths. First, make sure to read through what these four steps look like and then in the What’s Next section, we’ll give you guys some discussion questions that will help guide your team through each step. Grab some paper and a pen.

More About Don Cousins

After seventeen years on the staff at Willow Creek, God began to reveal a broader mission field to Don. In September of 1992, Don launched his own ministry designed to help build and strengthen Christian leaders and organizations. When describing his vision, Don said, “I wasn’t far off in the beginning when I decided to pursue a career in coaching – I was just playing on the wrong field. After 17 years of playing on the right field with a great team, perhaps God can now use me to help coach other teams playing in His league”.

Since 1992 Don has been coaching Christian leaders within churches and para-church organizations. He has worked with start-ups as well as those reaching thousands.


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