Small Groups With Purpose by Steve Gladen

Over the last decade or two, more and more churches have been adopting a small group ministry. It has become the prefered method of discipleship and is a ministry that has exploded for many churches. But how do you begin a small group ministry? Furthermore, how do you make it thrive? These are just some of the questions answered in Small Groups with Purpose as he provides you with proven methods for success in any church size.

Team Workshop

This workshop is intended to help you build your small group ministry no matter how long they have been a part of your church. In the first section, we will help you establish your purpose statement and general small groups structure. Then we will give you an example of how to form good small group questions, and how to overcome barriers to people attending your small groups.

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More About Steve Gladen

Steve Gladen has been on staff at Saddleback Church since 1998; he currently oversees the strategic launch and development of small groups at Saddleback as well as the staff of the Small Group Network. He has focused on small groups in several churches for almost 20 years. Steve oversees 2,500 adult small groups at Saddleback and loves seeing a big church become small through true community developed in group life. He has co-authored several books, including 250 Big Ideas for Small Groups, Building Healthy Small Groups in Your Church, Small Groups With Purpose, Leading Small Groups With Purpose, and Don’t Lead Alone. Steve does consulting and seminars championing small groups and what it means to be Purpose Driven in a small-group ministry.


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