Church Growth Tag

Coming before God in worship is coming to realization that God is big- bigger than we can comprehend. The Creator of the universe and everything in it desires for you...

Many times churches will consider only those who are currently attending when making adjustments to anything- their worship, programs, etc. However, this is the opposite of what should be taking...

People in your church probably won’t invite others or talk about your church if you don’t create a culture of evangelism. If your people don’t know that it’s important, they...

Have you thought about the idea of having a Big Day at your church to attract people? Sure, there are people that come on Christmas and Easter but let’s be...

How do you explain why some people are able to achieve things that seem impossible? How is it that some companies, like Apple, year after year, always seem to lead innovation? Why...

The age and size of your church can have an impact on its effectiveness. Gary McIntosh describes the life cycle of the church and what can be done at each...

The Big Idea can help you creatively present one laser-focused theme each week to be discussed in families and small groups. It shows how to engage in a process of...

In the book Effective Staffing for Vital Churches, Bill Easum and Bill Tenny-Brittian do an excellent job describing 4 different points of transition in a church’s growth and how pastors...

Well, I just finished reading the book The Habits of Highly Effective Churches by George Barna. He did a good job making a distinction between churches that just exist, and...

Wouldn’t you love if your job as a pastor was only studying and preaching God’s Word and tending your flock? But as you know, your role has many more aspects...