church systems Tag

Too many church leaders feel stressed, overwhelmed, and on the verge of burning out. In this economic time, tough decisions have to be made and many...

Social Media is taking over our culture by storm, but if you are a busy pastor or church leader you might be wondering if social media has a place...

What would you do if you had more volunteers than you knew what to do with? Well, that could be a possibility if you had the right system in place...

A step-by-step plan to turn your first-time guests into fully engaged members of your church....

Thinking about starting a church but have no idea where to begin? This book provides you with the “how-to” manual for getting your church ready to...

If you want to experience God as you never have before and witness His hand at work, if you want to wake up to the first though, “Thank God it’s...

There are many different church strategies for getting people to come into your church, but what good does that accomplish if they do not stay there? ...

Small groups might be one of the most popular trends in churches nowadays and for good reason. They are powerhouses for spiritual growth and relations...

There is no church that couldn't use more volunteers. Sometimes the problem isn’t even lack of willing people, sometimes we just don’t know how to utilize our volunteers to their...

People in our churches don’t know a lot about what God says about money and their giving reflects that. This book gives a process for church leadersh...