7 Proven Ways To Develop Leaders

In this workshop, John Finkelde talks about developing leaders in your church. We’re all aware today of developing a leadership pipeline but John talks about those that are involved in serving, volunteering in your church and how to develop leaders out of that group. There is a difference between ministry and leadership.

Ministry is what you do when you’re preaching, when you’re counseling, when you’re helping someone, when you’re praying with someone. Leadership is when you gather others and you mobilize them to do the ministry. Ministry will build people. Leadership will build churches.

Team Application Guide


In this Application Guide, we will focus on helping you and your team process through the way you currently develop your leaders, explore how you can tweak that to make it more effective, and think through how adding some of the ways you learned in this video could be beneficial in your church context.


To get started, print of the notes for this video and go through John Finkelde’s video. This video could make a great staff meeting that could encourage collaboration on your team as to what’s working and what’s not. Take notes on what stands out to your in the video so you can remember to come back to it later. After the video, print off this Application Guide and begin collaboration by asking the Team Discussion Questions listed below. Then move onto the What’s Next Section and provide answers, actions steps, and due dates to help you start implementing this new information into your context.

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