
Where there is a large vision, there needs to be a large vision to accomplish that. But maybe as a pastor or church leader, you don't feel like you have...

A well crafted website is a necessity when it comes to marketing, and churches are no different. In fact, a well organized and designed website has the ability to build...

One of the recurring themes I find is that pastors struggle to develop leaders. In order for a church to be healthy and continue to grow, there must be a...

The vast majority of churches in our country are losing ground against the growth of the communities they're in. When we think about first impressions, we tend to think signage,...

There is a lot being said today about church growth and the lack thereof. However, if your motives as a pastor or church leader are pure, you would love for...

We've gone from a Gutenberg world who Google word from pages to pixels are from text to post textual culture, and this is the time that I think that you...

Culture matters, doesn't it? When it comes to our organizations and churches, we have to realize that the culture we're creating matters to the people that we're trying to engage....

Most churches are just bad at follow up. But follow up is a critical part of our churches first impressions. In this workshop, Tyler Smith from Text In Church talks...

In this workshop, we are going to help you and your team process through some of Clay Scroggins big ideas for how to lead yourself well. We believe that you...

In this workshop, we hear from Paul Fleming, the founder of Church Ink, as he talks through some key aspects of First Impressions for our churches. First Impressions, in fact,...