8 Simple Rules For Leading Better

Sometimes we make leadership more difficult than it needs to be. If you think about it, leadership is easy 90% of the time. It’s the 10% of the time is why you get paid to be the leader. It’s why you’re in the position, it’s the difficult decisions you have to make. But the truth is, leadership really is easy 90% of the time, but not for everybody.


There are some people who just struggle with leadership and they complain about the people and they feel like they have problems 90% of the time. When you have problems with your team 90% of the time, I think that’s when we have to stop and look in the mirror and begin to ask, “Is the problem the people or the way I’m leading?” 

So here are 8 simple rules to help you be a better leader.

Team Discussion Guide

This Team Discussion Guide is dedicated to helping you and your team dive deeper into discussion and collaboration on the points that Mac Lake brought out in this video. We’ll also help you figure out where you and your team needs to get started with this information and give you a practical guide for you to begin forming action steps that can be implemented this week.
To begin, have your team watch the video and write down any observations or takeaways they see right away. Then together as a team, meet together and go over the Team Discussion Questions below. After collaborating together and recording insights, have each member of your team answer the questions in the What’s Next section in order to begin creating an action plan. 

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