A Simple Way To Build Momentum in Your Church

One big problem that we see in churches today is misalignment. The church has a big purpose, a lot of passion, and compelling vision. What happens is when ministry over time just start happening and the church drifts away from the core. What happens is misalignment. Each ministry makes a one or two degree shift and soon, the church is full of misaligned ministries. But how do you get everything in your church back on track?

In this workshop, Michael Lukaszewski shares with us a simple, yet powerful exercise that not only help align your ministries, but also provide clarity, focus, and momentum for the entire organization.

Team Application Guide


Glad you took the time to download the Application Guide and I hope you’re ready and excited to begin the work of creating your a one page business/ministry plan. A lot of the time, we have our vision, mission, purpose, values etc in our heads and maybe written down somewhere, but not in the forefront of our team’s and our church’s mind. In this Application Guide, we will help you and your teams begin to form a one page ministry plan that will help to give you clarity and in turn, allow your whole church to move together as one in order to accomplish your vision.


To begin, watch through Michael’s video along with your leadership team and maybe even department heads. Have everyone write down what stands out to them the most, including what aspects of this activity scare them the most. Then get conversation flowing with our Team Discussion Questions and then start to work through the What’s Next Section. After you have fleshed out some of these ideas, you can download the One Page Ministry Plan and compile all your thoughts into one document.

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