5 Keys To Creating A Great Team Culture


The environment you create in your organization is either attracting or it’s repelling people all the time. There’s really no in between. As leaders, we have the responsibility for setting the tone for the culture. We have to own it. We have to steward it. We have to set it. We have to maintain it.


Culture is some of the most important work that you’ll do as a leader, but it oftentimes is the thing that we take the most for granted. Plagued by goals to achieve, staff to manage, ministries to run, board members to make happy. The list goes on and on.


So in this video, we asked Jenni Catron to help us busy pastors take a big step back and focus on how to create a great team culture.

Team Application Guide


This Team Application Guide will be dedicated to helping you evaluate and create the necessary actions steps needed to address and improve the culture of your teams. The culture of your teams is vitally important to the overall health of your organization and you as the leader, need to be aware of the culture as well as cultivate the culture you want your teams to possess.


To begin this Application Guide, watch Jenni’s video and print off this guide. You may choose to take your leadership staff through this workshop or just use it for the teams you oversee. Below is a section of Team Application Questions that can facilitate collaboration or get you started about thinking about your context of team Afterward, you can begin working through the What’s Next section, answering all the questions and providing yourself with action steps and due dates.

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