Church 3.0 by Neil Cole

Change and growth can be painful, but that is no excuse to shy away from it. Our society has moved from modernism to a postmodern mindset, but yet the church has remained stuck in modernism. There are major changes that must be made so that we do not miss the opportunity to share Christ, but they are painful. Church 3.0 helps to nail down the changes from modernism to postmodernism and what that means for the church.

Team Workshop

This workshop is intended to help you think through the changes in mindset of our culture and begin to see how you can make upgrades to your church environments that will better reach your surrounding communities.

As you go through the video, make a note of anything that sticks out to you so you can remember to come back later. Go through the Team Discussion Questions below with your team to get some discussion and collaboration going. Then as a team or individuals go through the What’s Next questions below. Provide due dates for any action steps you identify.

More about Neil Cole

Neil Cole is the founder and executive director of Church Multiplication Associates & CMAResources, which has helped start hundreds of churches in thirty-five states and thirty nations. He is seen by many to be one of the key founders of what is known as the organic or simple-church movement.


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