Strange Leadership by Greg Atkinson

Is your church, ministry, or business lacking innovation? Perhaps you’re experienced in trying new things and moving in new ways, but you haven’t ever tried anything strange. Truly innovative leaders are often considered strange. Don’t settle for everyday leadership; immerse yourself in Strange Leadership!

Strange Leadership Workshop

Team Workshop

In this workshop, we will walk you through each of the 5 ways to lead an innovative organization covered in the video and help guide you to practical application steps that you and your team can begin implementing in your church this week.

This workshop will be used interactively in the video, so please print this out and follow along with the video. In the video, we will pause and prompt you to work through some of the questions below. After the video is completed, return to the top of the workshop and continue on answering the remaining questions. Feel free to split them up over the course of a couple of days, weeks, or complete them all in a staff meeting. Whatever you do, make sure you apply what you’ve learned!



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More About Greg Atkinson

Greg is a husband, father, speaker, coach, consultant and author who is working on multiple book projects. Greg lives with his wife and their three children in Carthage, Missouri.


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